VNY Sustainability

Van Nuys Airport is a leader in aviation sustainability achieving Level 3 Optimisation through Airport’s Council International’s Airport Carbon Accreditation program. This is the highest level certification before a facility becomes carbon neutral. Click on each section below to learn more about VNY’s sustainable efforts in electric vehicles, fuel, solar and stormwater.


Solar Projects:

  • Solar sustainability at Van Nuys Airport began in 2018 when tenant Aeroplex/Aerolease installed solar on their newest hangar on the east side of the airport. At the same time, six other VNY businesses committed to adding solar. Currently, there are 11 business sites with solar projects that feed surplus energy back into the grid to be used by others.
  • Solar Projects at Van Nuys Airport provide 12,714 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide Off setts annually (statistic as of April 2022)
  • There are a total of 29,889 solar panels at VNY producing 11.96 megawatts of power.


EV Charging Stations:

  • In another major step toward our industry-leading sustainability goals, the businesses at VNY now offer more than 100 new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to be used by customers and employees.
  • VNY has replaced many fleet vehicles with cleaner, low-or-zero-emission vehicles in the past few years. Currently, about 19% of VNY’s fleet is electric with about 48% of VNY’s fleet composed of alternative fuel.


Stormwater Projects:

  • VNY has a robust stormwater management system designed to control the quantity of water runoff, eliminate pollution, and improve the local aquifer supply.
  • Since 2016 VNY Airport projects have:
    • Mitigated stormwater runoff on 53 acres of airport leasehold land
    • Infiltrated 1.2 million gallons of water back into the soil
    • Treated more than 300,000 gallons of water
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