Educational Programs

Van Nuys Airport (VNY) supports a variety of educational initiatives and training opportunities that inspire students through exploration and innovation. Together with airport businesses, local educators and community partners, we work to advance the development of an educated, dedicated workforce in decades to come./p>

Although several programs have been temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have expanded virtual learning opportunities to support students, educators and families in our community.

Virtual Tour Program

VNY has launched a free virtual tour program for elementary school students. Adapted from the airport’s popular on-site tour program, the 12-minute video is geared toward young learners, but is also engaging for teachers and parents. Online resources and opportunities to schedule a virtual guest speaker are also available..

Click here to access Virtual Tour and online resources.

Virtual Aviation Career Day

Each spring, approximately 1,000 high school students are invited to learn from industry professionals about careers in the aviation and aerospace industries. Aviation Career Day (ACD) 2022 will be held virtually on Friday, April 29 using the Zoom platform. If you are a student interested in attending Aviation Career Day, please contact your teacher or school counselor for permission. To register, click here. For more information regarding this event, please call the VNY PR office at (818) 442-6526 or email us at [email protected].

Adopt-A-School Program

VNY’s Adopt-A-School program provides educational resources, mentoring and enrichment activities to local elementary school students. Activities include speaking engagements, participation in student career days and an annual holiday program complete with gifts and entertainment.

Los Angeles Unified School District Aircraft Mechanics Program

Housed at VNY, this branch of the North Valley Occupational Center – Aviation Center enables students to earn certification in general airframe and power plant mechanics. The program curriculum, approved by the Federal Aviation Administration, prepares students for a wide array of jobs in aviation and aerospace. To learn more about the program, visit

Tour and DVD Presentations Programs

VNY offers free guided bus tours and DVD presentations to school, civic and community groups on weekdays and select Saturdays. Thousands of children and adults participate in these programs annually. Airports Council International, a leading aviation industry organization, has rated VNY’s tour program among the top in the country. To access the new VNY virtual tour, click here.

Job Shadow Day

Job Shadow Day is an annual event that enables local high school students to observe a professional mentor perform their regular work activities. VNY partners with Junior Achievement and airport businesses to allow students to experience the variety of careers available in aviation.