Airport Tours
Van Nuys Airport (VNY) has launched a free virtual tour program for elementary school students. Adapted from the airport’s popular on-site tour program, which has been temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 12-minute tour is geared toward young learners, but is also engaging for teachers and parents.
To extend the virtual educational experience, online resources and opportunities to schedule a guest speaker are also available.
Fascinating Airport Facts
Founded in 1928 by America’s early flight pioneers, VNY has played an important role in both San Fernando Valley and aviation history. Over the decades, it has served as a U.S. military base, center for aerospace manufacturing, famed air race venue and backdrop for Hollywood movie-making.
Today, VNY provides a vital base for life-saving air ambulance, firefighting, public safety and humanitarian missions. Contributing $2 billion annually to the Southern California economy, the airport supports more than 10,000 jobs and approximately 200 on-site businesses – ranging from flight schools and aircraft maintenance shops to private jet charter and helicopter service companies. It is also home to one of the nation’s top airframe and power plant mechanics schools.
For more information, please call the VNY Public and Community Relations Office at 818.442.6526