Welcome to the Van Nuys Airport Vision Study Page

What is the VNY Vision Study?

The Van Nuys Airport (VNY) Vision Study (Study) was initiated to help inform the City of Los Angeles Planning Department (LACP) in their update of the City’s community plan. It is an initial step in reviewing and eventually updating existing plans currently under the jurisdiction of LACP.  The Study will create a land use vision for VNY as a general aviation airport that considers aviation and community land use compatibility.  For decades, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) has worked to be a good neighbor while balancing the aviation needs at VNY.  Recently, LAWA launched the VNY Vision Study to proactively consult with the community and with LACP which is currently working to update the City’s community plans that cover the VNY area.  LAWA is reaching out to VNY stakeholders and neighboring communities to update an approach for future land use designations at the airport and guide future development procurements at VNY.

What are the goals of the VNY Vision Study?

This is an opportunity to refine and update the land uses at VNY in a responsible way with an emphasis on land use compatibility with the surrounding communities and in support of the airport tenants. 

    1. Provide a comprehensive land use vision for VNY that continues to meet aviation needs while improving airport land use compatibility with surrounding communities.
    2. Explore ways to implement land use policies and project approvals with transparency and in coordination with other City Departments. 
    3. Allow for innovation in the aviation field.
    4. Continue efforts to prioritize and embed sustainability at VNY.