VNY Control Tower Reopens
Amid steady operational growth at VNY, the air traffic control tower renovation and refurbishment project that began in 2016 was completed earlier this year and will move operations from the airport’s smaller temporary facility back into the newly-upgraded tower.
In an effort to modernize VNY’s control tower – which was built in 1965 – the interior was stripped and replaced with modern equipment and technology to meet the growing and changing needs of the airport and the air traffic controllers. Upgrades include an additional radar display, digital touch screens for radio communication and atmospheric displays.
During the extensive retrofitting in the main tower, air traffic controllers at VNY were operating in a temporary tower that was erected just in front of the main tower. This temporary facility was constructed out of bright orange and white shipping containers, with a work area (or cab) built above that duplicated a regular work environment complete with the same views and equipment that controllers would normally utilize.
The completion of the $4 million upgrade project ensures that our air traffic control tower will be able to operate more efficiently while being able to maintain the highest levels of safety for local air traffic and airport users and operators.