Safety Its Everyones Responsibility

Safety: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility  

Van Nuys Airport (VNY) and the Aeroplex/Aerolease Group will co-host a “Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness Event” on Tuesday, April 25 to facilitate ongoing communication and collaboration among airport tenants, community representatives and emergency response personnel.     

The event will consist of a closed-session safety and security workshop for tenants starting at

2 p.m., followed by a two-hour social mixer at the Aeroplex/Aerolease Group hangar facility starting at 4p.m.  Participants in the classroom sessions will include airport tenants, aviation industry representatives, VNY Airport Police and Operations staff, Los Angeles World Airports Emergency Preparedness Division staff, and Los Angeles Fire and Police Department personnel. Presentations will focus on airport security, safety and emergency management. Updates will also be provided on VNY’s “Do Not Cross the Red Line” awareness campaign and Safety and Security Airfield Enforcement Program (VSAFE), which are aimed at preventing unauthorized access to vehicles and pedestrians.   

Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nury Martinez and community leaders will then join participants for an informal meet-and-greet reception. This presents an opportunity for VNY staff, tenants and first responders to interact with key stakeholders and community members in an informal setting.  “We’re excited to continue cultivating strong relationships with airport users and operators, as well as with local community and business leaders,” said VNY Airport Manager Flora Margheritis.  “Through ongoing communication and collaboration, together we can address critical airport issues and implement optimal solutions.”