Van Nuys Airport Manager Flora Margheritis shares aviation experience with middle-school girls

HNTB Corporation and the Los Angeles Board of Public Works recently completed an aviation experience module with the Los Angeles Unified School District’s first all-girls secondary school – the Girls Academic Leadership Academy. The collaborative SPARK LA partnership between the City of Los Angeles and HNTB supplements the new school’s focus on a STEM curriculum – science, technology, engineering and math – to attract more female students to pursue degrees and professions where females traditionally are underrepresented.

The free-after school sessions cover various aspects of infrastructure for approximately 25 girls this school year. During the aviation session, Van Nuys Airport Manager Flora Margheritis and aviation professionals taught students about various flight topics, including route planning and calculating aircraft range. The students even had the chance to take the pilot’s seat on a flight simulator. Margheritis has presented for the SPARK LA program since its inception three years ago and is always appreciated for making time to share her experience.