Thirty-Four Operators Awarded Friendly Flier Award

In June, 34 aviation companies were awarded Friendly Flier Awards at a luncheon held at their honor at the Airtel Plaza Hotel. The awards honor the companies’ outstanding compliance with established noise abatement regulations and achieving 99 percent or greater compliance with all voluntary noise abatement programs at VNY during the 2018 calendar year.

“We are very pleased that our Friendly Flyer program contributes to measurable noise reduction at and around Van Nuys Airport,” said Airport Manager Flora Margheritis. “We congratulate and thank each of our award recipients for their commitment to quiet flying practices, which reduce noise and enhance the quality of life in our neighboring communities.”

The voluntary Fly Friendly/Quiet Departure Program for jet aircraft was first established in 1994 to address the community’s concerns regarding jet aircraft noise in neighboring areas.

LAWA created the “Friendly Flyer” award in 2012 to acknowledge operators who complied with all noise abatement policies and procedures and had the highest level of success in adhering to the voluntary No Early Turn and Fly Friendly/Quiet Departure