A Message from the Airport Manager
Greetings and best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! In the months ahead, Van Nuys Airport (VNY) looks forward to working in collaboration with our business and community stakeholders to advance airport safety, security, service and sustainability.
On January 17, in collaboration with the nation’s leading general aviation trade associations, VNY became the first business airport in the nation to offer Sustainable Alternative Jet Fuel on a trial basis. This marks a major milestone in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft at airports across the nation. I would like to commend VNY’s four fixed-base operators – Clay Lacy Aviation, Castle & Cooke Aviation, Jet Aviation and Signature Flight Support – for leading the way in environmental stewardship through their support of this initiative.
January also marked the launch of a 14-month, $26.3 million project to rehabilitate nearly 8,000 feet of Taxiway B and connector taxiways. The work is part of a larger plan to rehabilitate Taxiways A and B over the next four years, ensuring a minimum 20-year lifespan and improving aircraft operating areas. Thanks to the valuable input provided by airport tenants, the work has been carefully phased to minimize the number of days that runways or taxiways will be impacted. For the latest construction schedule, project updates and information about the project team, please visit https://www.iflyvny.com/en/taxiwayproject.
Finally, I am pleased to announce that projects to develop sustainable airport facilities continue to take center stage. VNY successfully achieved its 2018 goal for tenant participation in the City of Los Angeles’ Green Business Certification Program and will extend the opportunity to additional airport businesses this year. With one solar panel project now in operation and several others proposed, we are also positioned to become California’s leading general aviation airport for solar energy production.
On behalf of our entire VNY team, thank you for contributing to our tremendous success. We look forward to many accomplishments in 2019!
Flora Margheritis, C.M.
Van Nuys Airport Manager