Students Complete Week-Long Aviation Academy

Over 40 students participated in this year’s Aviation Careers Education (ACE) Academy hosted by Van Nuys Airport (VNY). Students were given an inside look at VNY’s rich history and daily airport operations and learned first-hand from aviation professionals including airport operations, air traffic control and the Los Angeles Fire Department. Students also had the opportunity to tour the North Valley Occupational Campus at Van Nuys Airport, learn about the field of hospitality by visiting the Airtel Hotel, as well as meet with representatives of commercial airlines such as Jet Blue.

The information-packed program is designed to expose students to career options available in aviation and allow them to explore the industry.

“This program is amazing and I’m so grateful for it and my parents support in my (future) career,” said Alexis Gonzales, a student from La Reina High School. James Kang, a student at Village Christian School, added, “This was an opportunity to make connections and learn more on how to become a pilot and other aviation careers.”

For the past 13 years, Van Nuys Airport has held The ACE Academy’s to educate students about the aviation industry and to provide them the opportunity to explore different career options that aren’t commonly known in the aviation field. VNY’s ACE Academy applications are already available for next year’s sessions