Community Relations
As an important member of the San Fernando Valley community, Van Nuys Airport (VNY) provides and supports a number of programs to benefit local residents and businesses. Our goals include balancing the needs of aviation interests with those of local communities, furthering effective two-way communication with various publics, understanding the needs of airport neighbors, and enhancing public education about the exciting world of general aviation. So take a look at what we have to offer, and let us know how we can assist you.
Click here to access the Community Outreach Programs Brochure.
Citizens Advisory Council
The VNY Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) was formed in 1985 to make recommendations to the Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC) and receive community input on airport projects and issues, including operations, facilities development and land utilization at and around VNY. The 18-member panel is appointed by the BOAC, Mayor of Los Angeles and neighboring Los Angeles City Councilmembers. VNY’s Public and Community Relations staff provides administrative support to the CAC, which holds its meetings at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday night of each month. See the monthly agendas for meeting times, locations and further details.
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Friends of Van Nuys Airport
The Friends of Van Nuys Airport was founded in 2009, by local community and business leaders who believe in the economic vitality of Van Nuys Airport and recognize the crucial benefits it provides to the area’s transportation network. Friends unite people of all backgrounds into a special group with a common interest in aviation, and in the development and growth of VNY for the benefit of the community.
By joining the Friends of Van Nuys Airport, you become a member of one of the most unique organizations in aviation. You’ll meet new Friends and learn invaluable information about the aviation industry from guest speakers. The Friends also take group field trips to aviation related facilities and are invited to private airport special events.
Annual membership dues are $15 for individuals and $30 for companies and organizations. For additional information contact Van Nuys Airport at (818) 442-6526.
Week in Review (formerly Flight Tracks) Newsletter
Week in Review (formerly Flight Tracks) Newsletter is a quarterly open access publication provided by the Van Nuys Airport (VNY) Public and Community Relations Division. Week in Review informs its readers on the current developments at VNY, highlighting operational improvements, community events, business partnerships, updates on VNY pilots and employees, and more! To see our past stories, please visit our archive, and sign-up to be a subscriber today.
Through Team LAWA, VNY employees, family members and friends volunteer their time for a wide variety of community beautification, clean-up, fundraising and other projects. Past events include cleaning up and beautifying a local elementary school, and assembling care packages for service members through Operation Gratitude. VNY looks forward to future volunteer projects that help our neighbors and improve our communities.
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Tour and DVD Presentation Programs
VNY offers free guided bus tours and DVD presentations to school, civic and community organizations/groups on weekdays and select Saturdays. Thousands of children and adults participate in these programs annually. Airports Council International, a leading aviation organization, has rated VNY’s tour program among the top in the country.
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Speakers' Bureau
Community organizations are invited to schedule expert speakers on a wide variety of informative, airport-related topics through VNY's Speakers' Bureau program. The program allows the public to learn about VNY’s rich history and the variety of businesses, operations and services found at one of the world's busiest general aviation airports. To see descriptions of the presentation topics available, click here. Groups that request a presentation on the history and overview of VNY have the opportunity to view The Life and Legacy of Van Nuys Airport, a 13-minute DVD program completed in 2005.
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Public Exhibits
VNY Public and Community Relations staff members attend exhibits at numerous business expositions, career fairs and public events. Exhibits provide attendees information on airport history, airport operations and aviation careers.
Airport Aviation Events
For over 40 years, VNY has maintained a tradition of hosting free aviation events for the community. Event features include contemporary and vintage aircraft displays, as well as information on aviation-related career opportunities.
Public Observation Area
Open daily from 8 a.m. to sunset, VNY’s public observation area features historical and informational exhibits, picnic benches and a children’s activity area. Visitors can watch aircraft take off and land while listening to a live broadcast of the air traffic control tower frequency. The observation area is located off of Woodley Avenue at the end of Waterman Drive, adjacent to the east side of the airfield.
Airport Watch Program
This program brings the Neighborhood Watch concept to VNY to enhance airport security and community protection. The program relies on pilots, airport personnel and airport neighbors to report suspicious activity directly to Airport Police through the use of a dedicated toll-free number. VNY serves as a model for other general aviation airports nationwide on how to implement programs to keep airport tenants, pilots and surrounding communities secure. For more information on VNY’s Airport Watch Program, click here.